Summer Season and its Importance!
In the summer seasons the sun is the most active, it means that everything in the nature gets a lot of energy form the sun, to support life, breeding and feeding. Warmth of the summer days creates lifelong conditions for animals and plants activities.
Also be ready for the thunderstorms, because in the summer it is very important phenomenon. It helps nature to survive in this hot period, crops to grow better and later give harvest!
You know, that summer is the best season for seeing rainbow! This amazing and really beautiful phenomenon is created by “cooperation” of sun rays and water.
The nature in the summer season is full of bright colors, everything around is flourishing, the birds are singing and you can feel that the nature around you is lining!
Also Read: Google Doodle celebrates the beginning of the summer season.
Plants and trees are giving fruits, a lot of flowers are blooming with the different colors and everyone can feel amazing smell in the air. A warm day with perfect weather allows animals to breed!
Days are really long and nights are warm and short in this period, it means that everyone has more time to be outdoors end enjoy summer seasons in full!
· It provides us food — summer is an essential season because this season helps the farmers to grow food crops, especially the Rabi crops. They plant these crops in the spring season, but their growth is fast in the summer month.
· Construction sites — construction and renovation of buildings and roads are more accessible as the cement and paints dry faster due to the heat of the sun.
· Family and leisure times — This is also the season to enjoy as the schools and colleges announce summer vacations of two months. The families and children wait for this time the whole year so that they can visit their village or go on tour out of the station. Students also enroll themselves in internships or skill development courses to increase their experiences and knowledge.
· Detoxification — It is the best time for detoxification. The body precipitates and cleans all the unwanted excretion materials.
· Summer season gives us sunburns and tans
· Everyone feels very dizzy and lazy in the summer
· Bug bites and bee stings are prevalent
· Plants and animals also suffer badly in the summer
Facts about the Summer Season:
The season occurs when the earth tilts towards the sun and a vice versa phenomenon for winter. In the southern hemisphere, December to February are the summer months. The day becomes warmers and nights become cooler. Besides, the day is longer and nights are shorter.
Fruits and vegetables:
This season, we get a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables. And this is the season in which farmers prepare their land for cultivation. The sky becomes clearer as there are no clouds to give shade. And the sun shines bright.
As you know, summer is the best time for plants and flowers grow to flourish and blossom! Due to warm weather and sunny days they are growing very quickly and also have a chance to dissipate! Wind helps plants to scatter their seeds, playing a major role in prosperity of the whole nature.
Plants and Trees:
Also the sunlight in the summer is very important to plants and trees, because they have perfect conditions for photosynthesis. In this process, plants get useful nutrition and afterwards we get fresh air to breathe.
The most popular summer flower is Begonia, everyone loves this beautiful plants because of their big and colorful blossoms and also they can live as in the sun as in the shade throughout whole summer period. Lobelia is annual summer flower that can create an amazing waterfall from small flowers and look really nice in the gardens. Always is flourishing with blue and violet colors! Also summer is the best time for planting some vegetables, for example beans, celery, corn, cucumbers, edamame, broccoli, okra, muskmelons and eggplants.
Animals and birds:
Animals in the summer period have the peak of their activity. They go hunting, reproduce, and, of course, in this time of the year they start to store energy, that will be really necessary for them in the winter and autumn time.
Summer for animals is one of the best time in the year. They have a lot of food to eat, place to live and due to warm weather they do not need a special shelter. In the summer seasons birds have the most active breeding period. They are also nesting and looking for place to give a life to the new generation. Birds are looking for the food for nestlings and because of warm weather it is easy for them.
Also in the end of the summer, birds are starting to grow new feathers. This will help them to feel more comfortable and warm in the winter. Birds are also need to increase the level of fat in their bodies, to have more energy when it gets cold.
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Northern Hemisphere
As you know, Northern Hemisphere is a part of the Earth, that is located north to Equator. Here Summer comes on the 1 of June and ends on 31 August. The hottest month is July, because in this time Earth gets more straight sun lights.
Southern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere location is south part of Earth to Equator. Seasons here are opposite to Northern Hemisphere seasons. Summer begins on the 1 of December and finishes at 28 of February. If the year is Leap that is 29 of February. And in the countries of the Southern Hemisphere, for example, in Australia, New Zealand, Chile, winter is in summer (June-August), and there may even be some snow.
Everyone loves summer, because it is the best time to go on vacation, spend time near the sea and sunbathing. It is a great time for doing some sports outdoors, spending time with families and friends, doing picnics. Everyone feels happier in this time of year, because you do not need to wear warm clothes and can go for a walk even in the night time.
Read Also: Importance of Summer Season.